There is only one way. Yes, digital currency. A special digital currency for the 99%.

Regions with enough money prosper. With the departure of big companies, they decline. On the contrary, by investing, they revive. This principle works always and everywhere.

A few steps need to be taken.
- get money into all regions of the world. With dollars and euros, you can't do it, but with digital currencies, it's very easy
- to keep most of the money in the regions. You can't keep dollars, but you can keep most digital currency. If you know how to design digital currency properly
- to eliminate exchange rate fluctuations. A special pegging mechanism to the dollar and euro will help
- spur economic activity in the regions. Money should get it moving automatically. But in addition, the project also contains aids for entrepreneurs - what and where to do business, how to do business, relieve them of many responsibilities.
- inspire confidence in digital currency. This is ensured by the special design of the digital currency.
- to simplify mining, storage and payments in digital currency. All this is included in the project.
- it is enough if the project will work in only one of the hundred thousand districts of the world. Then it will quickly spread everywhere. Islands of prosperity will emerge, attracting people from poor areas and favelas. Gradually, there will be more and more islands.

If mountainous Andorra or Switzerland, desert Dubai or Singapore with minimal living space can prosper, every region of the world can prosper. Money is the driving force.

We are in the third millennium and the problem of poverty in the world has still not been eliminated. It is clear that a completely different, new and untried solution is needed.

Will there be a digital currency for 99% of the planet's population in the future? Definitely yes. On the contrary, the surprising thing is that it does not yet exist. After all, it means 8 billion daily users. More than any other company in the world.

Will this digital currency be run by a private company? Of course, who else? It will have to endure the regulatory measures of some governments, but that's okay. The goal of a digital currency cannot be to circumvent laws and avoid taxes.

Can a private company bring prosperity to the whole world? It certainly can. Companies bring technology that helps people and changes the world in a significant way. Another company can also bring prosperity solutions. And sooner or later it will.

Can digital currency be redesigned to benefit everyone? To bring money to all regions? To keep most of the money in the regions? To stimulate economic activity? And to encourage trade between regions? Of course it will.

Obviously, two counter-arguments immediately come up - inflation, illegality.

Inflation arises from a shortage of goods or services, not from an excess of money. Bitcoin has a cap of 21,000,000 units. The highest price on the exchange was $70,000. That's $1.5 trillion, about $200 per capita in the world. Most bitcoins have already entered circulation and have not caused inflation. Other digital currencies need to be added to this. The average Swiss has EUR 160 000 saved up and Switzerland is also not suffering from inflation. Paradoxically, inflation was caused by central bank money that never reached the people. It went into the banks and then into the stock and commodity markets. Nobody buys 100 tonnes of wheat for their own use. But as an object of speculation? Why not. We are now seeing the consequences.

Legality. The ECB and China are preparing their own digital currencies. President Biden has instructed a review of the possibility of a state digital currency in the US. EU member states were, under the EU directive, to create dedicated registries for companies offering to exchange or store digital currencies. Digital currencies are not illegal.

There must be two digital currencies. They are completely different from the well-known digital currencies Bitcoin, Litecion... Digital currencies for the 99% are different from bitcoin in more than 10 attributes.

The goals of the first digital currency:
- help to gain confidence in digital currencies
- allow a wide range of people to try digital currencies
- to serve as a common payment medium
- provide instant payments around the world without banks and unfavourable exchange rates
- digital currency can also act as an emergency payment system

The second digital currency is already aimed directly at regions and has more ambitious goals:
- exploiting local resources
- new job opportunities
- the creation of new brands that will not have to face immediate global competition
- new types of products
- eliminating poverty
- a more equal distribution of income
- tackling the negative effects of globalisation in less prosperous regions
- encouraging people to return to regions with smaller populations
- revitalising agriculture, fruit growing, gastronomy, crafts, food processing, alternative energies, light industry, transport in the regions...

... and the introduction of unconditional income.

The first digital currency will create the conditions for the introduction of a second digital currency.

So all we need to do is find an investor or a few capable programmers and within a year the digital currency can be up and running. And then unconditional income in the first regions.

The introduction of unconditional income will put an end to the fears of robotization and automation, as well as to the crony proposals for taxing robots. On the contrary, regions can compete in their rapid introduction and in luring people to a 3-day work week or 4-hour working hours. It is up to their initiative.

If you have any suggestions, please write. I welcome any constructive input.

Author : Jozef Stasík, Slovakia
E-mail : info@belgof.com




Digital currency for 99% Internetová strana Tatryana - obchody a aktivity vo všetkých obciach Slovenska Belgof - Blog